Orbital Shaker: A Versatile Lab Equipment for Mixing and Incubation

Orbital Shaker: A Versatile Lab Equipment for Mixing and Incubation


In the realm of scientific research and laboratory experiments, precise and efficient mixing is often a critical step. Whether it involves chemical reactions, cell culture, or biological assays, ensuring homogeneous mixing is essential for obtaining accurate and reliable results. One indispensable tool that has revolutionized mixing in laboratories is the orbital shaker. This versatile piece of equipment has become a staple in scientific research, enabling scientists to perform a wide range of tasks with ease and precision.

What is an Orbital Shaker?

An orbital shaker is a laboratory apparatus designed to agitate and mix substances contained within various vessels, such as flasks, test tubes, and microplates. It employs a circular shaking motion, hence the term “orbital,” to achieve consistent and uniform mixing. The shaking platform, upon which the containers are placed, moves in a continuous circular motion, providing a gentle yet thorough agitation.

Working Principle:

Orbital shakers utilize a motorized mechanism that drives the shaking platform in an oscillating or orbital pattern. The motion can be adjusted to accommodate different speed settings, allowing researchers to control the intensity of mixing. Some advanced models offer additional features such as temperature control and programmable shaking patterns for more specialized applications.

Key Features and Benefits:

Mixing versatility: Orbital shakers are compatible with various types of vessels, including Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers, and microplates. This flexibility enables researchers to perform different experiments without the need for multiple devices.

Uniform mixing: The circular shaking motion of orbital shakers ensures that the samples experience consistent agitation, leading to homogenous mixing of substances. This uniformity is crucial for obtaining accurate and reproducible results.

Gentle agitation: Unlike other types of mixers that employ more vigorous shaking, orbital shakers provide a gentle agitation. This feature is particularly beneficial when working with delicate samples or sensitive biological materials that require a controlled mixing environment.

Programmable options: Advanced orbital shakers come with programmable features, allowing users to create customized shaking patterns. This capability is valuable for specific applications that require alternating or complex shaking motions.

Temperature control: Some orbital shakers are equipped with temperature-controlled chambers, enabling researchers to conduct experiments that require controlled incubation conditions. This feature is particularly useful for cell cultures and biochemical reactions that demand precise temperature control.

Applications of Orbital Shakers:

Orbital shakers find applications in various scientific fields, including:

Cell culture: Orbital shakers are commonly used for culturing cells in suspension. The gentle mixing motion ensures nutrient distribution and promotes cell growth.

Biochemistry: Orbital shakers facilitate enzyme reactions, protein extraction, and molecular biology assays that require homogeneous mixing of reagents.

Microbiology: They are employed in microbial cultures for studying growth patterns, fermentation, and drug susceptibility testing.

Chemical reactions: Orbital shakers aid in the mixing of chemicals, catalysts, and reactants, ensuring consistent reaction conditions.


Orbital shakers have become indispensable tools in laboratories worldwide, offering precise and reliable mixing solutions for a wide range of scientific applications. Their versatility, uniform agitation, and programmable features make them invaluable assets in cell culture, molecular biology, microbiology, and various other research fields. By providing controlled and consistent mixing, orbital shakers contribute to the production of accurate and reproducible results, enhancing scientific progress and discovery.


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